Upper Control Arm Assembly Rear Left Hand

About this product

The Upper Control Arm Assembly Rear Left Hand (#48790-0R020) is a critical component in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system of a vehicle's Drive-Chassis. This component is responsible for ensuring stability and balance while driving, by linking the car's suspension to its frame. It allows for ease of movement while maneuvering turns and absorbing shocks during travel. A worn out or damaged Upper Control Arm Assembly Rear Left Hand (#48790-0R020) can compromise the vehicle's stability and handling, potentially leading to safety risks. Therefore, it is necessary to replace this component periodically. When doing so, opting for genuine Toyota parts can aid in compatibility with the vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-maintained Upper Control Arm Assembly Rear Left Hand (#48790-0R020) not only enhances the vehicle's handling and stability, but also contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the Drive-Chassis system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48790-42030
Part Number 48790-0R020

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